RAJ KUBER is the latest unit of the “RAJ” group of hotels, that surpasses without doubt its own unmatchable record of guest-friendly excellence. Named after Raj Rana Kuber Singhji Jhala, the former ruler of the feudal region of “Jhadol”(in the west of Udaipur), Raj Kuber could well be the envy of any professional hotelier. Situated on a hillock, Raj Kuber overlooks ALL THE LAKES of this City of Lakes. Moreover, Raj Kuber is known for its exclusive “Rajputana”architecture which includes “Jharokhaas” and “Gokhdaas”(i.e. elevated, projected sit-outs for at least two persons), and the “Mewari Jaali work with coloured pieces of glass”-----on all floors of the building. The tastefully decorated, spacious luxury-suites (22 ft x 30 ft), suites (16 ft x 30 ft); most modern wash-rooms with plush fixtures (with 24-hour availability of hot and cold water); aesthetically designed comfortable furniture (including the king-sized beds); a cuisine that could be any connoisseur’s delight; and a gamut of add-on facilities (like elevator, air-conditioning, television, telephone, refrigerators, tea-kettles etc.) further enhance the all-encompassing feeling of luxury at Raj Kuber-----at a reasonable, competitive tariff that would astonish many an experienced traveler.